UiTM is soooooooo sunyi now! Tadi teman Syairah pergi bus station kat Sect 17, hantar adik beliau naik bas & I swear, S.Alam is a dead city at night
Can't wait to jump into the bus tomorrow night & cepat-cepat sampai K.Bharu. InsyaAllah. Luckily enough this time mek balik bersama 3 orang lagi kawan-kawan LL.B mek. Tak dak la berjiwa lara sangat dalam bas kelak. Bak kata Shai "You guys best la balik jauh. Feeling 'OoOoOO balik kampung~~' tu ada". If only you know how hazabnya tidur dalam bas, Shai... -.-'
I've had this one experience of stuck in the bus for 18 hours during last year's Raya Haji. It was really a nightmareeeee pada siang hari. Worst case, I had to sit next to 3 foreigners throughout the journey yet had to pretend that I was cool. Walhal cuak dalam hati Allah sahaja Maha Mengetahuinya, dik
Rindunya pada adik-adik berbulu. Wait for Mommy, kiddos! ♥
Puteh & Odie, last August ♥
{P/s} Al-fatihah to the Bro-in-law & Ejatie's grandfather who passed away at 3 am yesterday morning. Semoga roh arwah Tok Ayoh di tempatkan bersama roh orang-orang yang beriman. Amin..