Saturday 5 November 2011


Salam & hi people! Mood beraya sudah menjelma? Mine has already taken its 300 km something steps ahead. Mood raya sudah selamat sampai di Kota Bharu sedangkan cik empunya diri masih di Kolej Mawar, 40450, UiTM Shah Alam. Sigh!

This is random but may I share some pictures taken during our open house last Raya Puasa? I know it's too lateeeeeeeee but can eh?

With Khazan, one of my LL.B girlfriends. She came with his brother who looks more like her bf. Hehe! The man in white jubah at the back is Abah. Mungkin sedang berbual-bual dengan tetamu sambil menikmati semangkuk soto atau laksa penang atau laksam atau mee kari?

Me with Kak Siti & Kak Mimi. They're Kakak's PTN friends btw but why do I have this feeling that I look like the oldest among us three? @.@

With Atiey, my junior at secondary school who's currently studying medic at India. She arrived in Kelantan that morning & tengah hari tu beliau datang dengan emak & adiknya. Auww! Sungguh terharu Kakak Senior mempunyai Adik Junior yang sangat gigih & rajin sebegini :')

Just received a phone call from someone from the studio which I had my convo pictures taken at. Bad newsssssss but I don't know why I'm so calm digesting this. Mungkin sejak kebelakangan ini banyak di uji dengan perkara-perkara mengguris hati, maka berita seperti ini sudah boleh di terima dengan redha? Dugaan di hari ore buak tupak, ore Kelate kato

Pray for my journey heading to Kota Bharu tonight. I know this sounds almost impossible but would you please pray that I will arrive at my beloved hometown safe & sound & most importantly, before Solat Sunat Hari Raya? Saya nak dengar Abah saya bertakbir :(

Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha & maaf zahir batin for all my wrongdoing & shortcomings ye? Take care & have a fun & blessed Raya! InsyaAllah
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