Thursday 24 November 2011

Plish Plish Plish, Kamu Jangang Nakka

My draft that I've been keeping since the morning gone when I wanted to upload a picture just now. As if it wasn't enough to put more percentage to my stress level. But I decided that it's best to forget about it & move on with my life. Anger & emo-ness just will put more wrinkles {or in my case, jejerawats} to your life. So, let's be cool instead *flips tudung kiri kanan*

I've 2 tests tomorrow; Bankruptcy & Forensic Science {which the only things that I remember about this subject is a lot of gory pictures & video yang menyayat hati}. Semoga di permudahkan urusan. Amin...

Muka serious seperti keadaan mek sekarang

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