Sunday 11 December 2011

Nope Nope, I'm Not Complaining

3 days off with 2 days of replacement classes on Saturday & Monday. That equals to 8 hours spent with your belved lecturers within 4 boring walls at the faculty. I've to admit that I often had a hard time trying to give my 100% focus in the class during public holiday. My mind was elsewhere & I don't blame her, really

Nope nope, I'm not complaining *coughs*

Anyway, how are you, people? Ada sihat? Sudah makan? Mahu ke manakah pada hari ini instead of being in your room, trying to finish all the 3 assignments, 1 presentation, 1 test & 2 Viva due next week? 

Nope nope, I'm not complaining *coughs*

Ok la. My Evidence assignment sedang menangis teresak-esak meminta perhatian. Alololololo! Don't worry Honey, Mommy's coming!

Have a nice day, people! Take care & Assalamualaikum

When I was a kid, Ma used to stock these aiskrim potong a lot in our fridge. My favourite flavour was grape! :D
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