Saw Tommy sleeping {or more like pretending to sleep. I know my cats very well. Hehe!} in front of tv yesterday evening, quickly grabbed him & brought him into my bedroom. The next thing I knew, we instantly became buddies in front of the camera! ♥
Picture #1
Me: Tommy! Tommy! Look at the camera!
Tommy: Where? Where? *sniffs sniffs*
Picture #2
Tommy: Oh! It's up thereeee! *muka terkejut*
Picture #3
Tommy: Hello ladies!
Pardon moi for my serabainess, I was waiting for Asar
After the photoshoot, I rewarded Tommy with a grooming session {so lucky this furry guy} that lulled him to sleep {on my bed, on the floor & then on my bed again} for the next 1 hour. Couldn't help myself to not kacau him when he was sleeping & the more I kacau-ed him, the more galak he rolled over
My Ma once told me that when I was small, I used to suck my cats' nose! Lucky enough that I didn't turn up to be a furry girl eh? Imagine the horror of being furry, like seriously furry! @.@ And that could explain why I've always had fetish on cats' nose. They look so yums to me ♥
Fluffy fluffy nose!
Btw, masa ni dia tengah mamai-mamai nak tidur
It's not that difficult to tell why Tommy's become my Family's obsession as he has a character & a funny amusing one at that. Even the brother-in-law is a cat lover now, something which has surprised his own family. Hehe!