Received a few comments from my classmates that I looked quite tired yesterday. My firm mate, Juwe even went overboard; he said that I look ugly
Although, he quickly justified later that what he meant is that I look more exhausted than ever, still people, ugly & exhausted are 2 very distinct words
Should I feel lucky for having such a blatantly honest friend? T_T
Well, it was indeed just another crazy tiring day. I think I've had given enough evidence on how hectic our life has been & I'm pretty sure you too are getting bored with all that laments. So, let's skip that part
Btw, these are a few pictures taken yesterday, in front of the Moot Court before the CTA trial between Firm 2 & Firm 4. It was on Hire Purchase Agreement case; the purchase of a lorry, accident, Puspakom etc
Juwe, Cheqa & Anas
Cheqa was so menyibuk at the back
Half of Firm 2; Izwan & Partners
Ezzah & Eja are extremely tall here :P
Sick Fareez Shah. Get well quick!
Fiqah, the court interpreter