Tuesday 17 July 2012

Holiday & Home

 There's no better place to spend your holiday at, other than a place called your home

Arrived home this morning. The hp battery died, luckily there are a few public phones nearby. And nasib baik juga turun depan 7E & McD Wakaf Che Yeh, tak ada lah sunyi sangat sambil tunggu Abah datang ambik

The family is doing good, Alhamdulillah except for Ma who is down with fever. According to Abah, maybe sebab banyak makan durian. Hehe!

I'm feeling sick too. These wisdom teeth which have been occupying my upper & lower gums show no sign of slowing down. Once in every 3,4 months, I'll suffer the first degree of pain. Imagine having the inner side of your pipi being torn down sebab gigi nak tumbuh but not enough space. Kulit pipi dalam tu koyak, sometimes siap ade ulcer besar. It hurts so bad that it also affects my right ear & throat

Maybe I should really see the dentist & considering to pull them out. It's been 4 years since their first debut & I've been relying so much on Bonjela to ease the pain. Nak minum air pun sakit :(

Off to the kitchen. Kakak is preparing tomyam rasanya. Since I'm fasting today & not feeling well, so I pass the baton to her only lahhh :P

Take care, love. Jangan nakal-nakal. Assalamualaikum

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