Alhamdulillah! We're already on the second day of Eid Adha. The daging lembu galore has been amazing! Tqvm to all who invited & served us with delicious meat based meals! :D
One thing that I like about Eid Adha is how different we celebrate it yet on the same time, the merriness is still there. I don't know how it's celebrated in other states but in Kelantan, selepas acara korban, there will be a gotong royong to bahagikan the daging, masak-masak {goreng, singgang, gulai, sup etc} & finally, the kenduri! Beside takbir, makan-makan is also everyone's most favourite part, no doubt. Hehe!
Ziarah kubur arwah Mok {maternal grandmother}, Mek Thom bin Said
Hujan sokmo lately, maka rumput-rampai di tanah perkuburan tak sempat diracun & tumbuh dengan suburnya. I didn't have enough guts to brace them because of pacats
And true enough, a pacat made an attempt to be friend with me!
A pacat & my worn out wedges
Nasib baik pakai socks, terpelihara kakiku! I'm not afraid of pacats but watching this one meliuk-lintuk made me feel geli. Asked Abah to remove it from the wedges & Abah said "Pacat pun nak takut" -.-'
My green mint baju kurung. Love the details
The cilik cousins; Aisyah, Najwa Balqis & Azamuddin
Bright evening sky, on our way back from the BIL's kampung in Tumpat
Had 3 pinggan nasi {2 pinggan nasi arab + 1 pinggan nasi putih} & I couldn't be any happier. Alhamdulillah!
Had 3 pinggan nasi {2 pinggan nasi arab + 1 pinggan nasi putih} & I couldn't be any happier. Alhamdulillah!
Kenyang perut, suka hati.Alhamdulilah!
Looking forward for more daging lembu galore! Diet after raya!