Tuesday 9 April 2013

9 Minus 6

I'm now in my 7th month of my pupillage/chambering. Alhamdulillah

Honestly, when I was about to embark on this 9 month journey in September last year, my level of self confidence was something I was not very proud of. I loved reading law but practicing is definitely different from what you've been taught & prepared at Law School

Do I have what it takes to become a lawyer?

I've met some people who had doubt in myself just because I like to keep my mouth shut, smile & rather be an observer among people I rarely meet or hang out with. Dah, tak kan nak berhoohaa all the time kan? Iolss juga haruslah menjaga budi pekerti iolss. Kan?

Compared to my other learned & outspoken friends, I was definitely out of league. I was even too shy to say hi to some of my batchmates at UiTM & I spent most of my weekends during 2 semesters of LL.B either in room at college or in the office at the faculty. While the other friends went to watch movies or karaoke, I would be more than happy to be under my blanket watching Runningman or How I Met Your Mother or Big Bang Theory. And do you guys believe that I've never been to any cinema? Lols!

No doubt that I was one boring law student once upon a time but here here here, people! 

Anyone? Miahahah!

For now, I really need to finish all my 14 YBGK mitigation duties before the end of June. Baru buat 4, lagi 10 duties ni. Wah wahhh!

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