Tuesday 25 June 2013

Kamon Kamon Mek, You Can Do It!

Assalamualaikum & hallo earthlings!

The last time I wrote about my weight loss progress was about 3 weeks ago. Click here to read about it. Merci!

 From L to R; 22/04/2013 - 05/05/2013 - 30/05/2013

You see, I've been keeping myself busy with my so called weight lost regimen, been trying to be very dedicated to my exercise routine & stick to it & it's actually not that fun. There were days when I truly I enjoyed myself but there were times when I felt depressed seeing a lot of young pretty girls out there who look effortlessly good. Terus rasa down, jalan menunduk sebab malu pipi tembom T_T

So just you know, me & my self esteem; we don't really go quite well for some reasons

I miss being petite, those good old kurus days when I could eat anything I want without worrying about the figure I'm going to see on that weigh scale. Tapi biasalah, bila dah habis uni & umur pun makin meningkat *coughs* in denial *coughs*, nak keep fit pun dah tak mudah macam dulu-dulu. Haih!

Soooooooooo, how is the progress so far, you ask? Adakah hangat-hangat tahi ayam semata-mata or have I lost some nanogram/gram/kg? Hehe! Well, some people have noticed that I've lost some weight. Yayy! Unless that you were in my shoes, I bet you won't have any idea how happy I am! Walhal baru turun 1 kg je pun. Kehkehkeh!

So, this is the picture of me syok sendiri, taken 2 days ago

Tiba-tiba ada suara di hujung tanjung sana berkata-kata, "Macam tak ada beza pong dengan gambar sebelum ni?". Ala, kasi la chance, please? Tsk Tsk! T_T

I need to shed 2 kg more. Lemak banyak kat pipi sebenarnya. Adakah perlu bercakap non-stop untuk senaman rahang? Kamon kamon mek, you can do it! Jangan biarkan dirimu diselubungi lemak-lemak berlebihan lagi

Akhir kalam, sedikit pesanan dari penulis;

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