Tqvm Ira! ♥
Alhamdulillah, I officially turned a year older yesterday
Thank you Allah for this nikmat umur, health & everything. My achievement might be not on par with other people I know but life isn't a competition & for everything that Allah has blessed me with, I'm forever thankful. Alhamdulillah
With this brand new shining kebaboom age (I'm exaggerating of course :P), hopefully it comes with some things better for myself; wit, health, family, money, career etc. Amin...
My friend, Yani asked me what I want for my birthday. It made me realize that I haven't thought of any material present that I specifically want for myself. Of course
being a typical woman I'm, I would never say no to nice handbags, clothes,
yummy food, more holiday less work, higher pay etc but really, there's nothing much that I really
want. Hidup bersederhana sudahhh. Ukur baju di badan sendiri kekdahnya. Anyhow, this was my answer;
"I just want more happiness for myself & everyone I know. And may Allah make my urusan jodoh an easy & smooth one. Amin... Hehe!"
Boleh tolong amin kan sekali tak, kawan-kawan? Ok, tqvm! I love youuu! ♥
Tqvm to anyone for the birthday wishes/dua via whatsapp, 3 text msg (even at this modern age of technology! Terharu la!), Fb, belanja makan, belanja kek etc. It was really awkward when some people asked me how old I'm now but their reactions were totally priceless. Awet muda much? :P I've a hypothesis that the older a woman gets, the more secretive she becomes about her age. Muahehe!
But reading this status from Aiman Azlan menyentapkan daku seketika. Insaf kerana if you think getting older is suck sedarlah bahawa it's a privilege denied to many. Maka, Alhamdulillah T_T
Click here to read my last year's birthday entry. This year malas nak tepek gambar semasa hari kejadian
Have a nice Friday everyone! Take care!
Have a nice Friday everyone! Take care!