Wednesday 3 February 2016

Wedding Galore

Assalamualaikum & hi!

Chinese New Year is coming. So does a long list of wedding invitations to attend! Hehe! In our case, my Husband & I have 3 wedding receptions on 06/02 & 4 wedding receptions on 08/02. Hallo nasik & lauk-pauk kenduri! I've been missing youuu!

One of the things I like about the festive season (other than the obvious holiday) is how people take the chance to go back to their hometowns. The road will be more congested, the malls and restaurants are more packed with people etc. Everything will move slower than normal days. Ada sedikit stress di situ but there are many positive sides to ponder on ayte?

1 more day to weekend. Sigh! Kenapakah minggu ini terasa begitu slow sekali? 

To any future bride/groom who is reading this (whattt? You still have time to read blog(s)? Hehe!), I pray may everything go smooth for your wedding preparation, especially on your wedding day. Some things might not go well as planned, but just chill. Enjoy your day & smile for the camerasss!

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