Thursday, 27 July 2017

44 Days of Utmost Happiness ♥

07/07/2017. Day 24
Mama & Iman Soraya
Assalamualaikum & hallo!

It's sad to see that I'm not that persistent in updating this space much to my dismay, especially anything related with our Daughter. Time flies so fast; our Iman Soraya is 44 days old today & I'll back to work on 06/08 when she will be 54 days old. Booo!

Tak cukup 2 bulan after delivery because I took maternity leave 3 weeks early sebab hari tu ingat deliver before EDD kan? Tengok-tengok deliver 11 days past EDD. Lols!

Nonetheless, thank to Instagram. At least I got to update her photos on her significant days, like when she reached certain days, her weekly updates etc. How I wish I can have everything about her recorded because baby grows up so fast! Rindunyaaa masa Iman kecik-kecik halus. Not that she's big already, she's not even 2 months old yet but beza la kecik dulu & kecik sekarang. Huhu! #hormonalmother #clingymother #masalahibubekerja

Going to do some outdated posts about her which beyond any reasonable doubt will make me cry when I read them in the future. Sigh! Rindu Iman already although ada ni ha tengah tidur kat sebelah

I love you very much, Iman Nanti kejap lagi Mama join Iman tidur. Tapi malam ni macam lambat sikit tidur sebab nak study Ikea website kejap

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