Selamat Hari Raya everyone!
Today is Raya day 7, so hopefully my Raya wish is still valid. Eh, of course still valid. We Malay never tolerate when it comes to Raya, albeit how terkezut this year's Raya was. Lols! Talking about the whole country's kalutness after learning that 1 Syawal fell on Monday, 02/05/2022 instead of Tuesday, 03/05/2022. But if we had survived PKP/RMO for months, apa la sangat dengan Raya came a day early kan? ;)
This year, we celebrated Hari Raya at a few places; KL/Selangor (in-law's), Melaka (FIL's hometown), Perlis (MIL's hometown) & finally, back to Kelate, my hometown! Fuhh! All the Raya trip really worn us out. Demam one by one later. Pahtu tak dok doh la kurus maso Ramadhan. All the yummy rendang, kuih muih, biskuts & all; bucik teruh!
Anyway, taking this opportunity to humbly seek for everyone's forgiveness. Maaf zahir & batin for everything; oral or written, intentionally or otherwise etc
The amount of bags I packed for 4 of us. Definitely can never travel light