Wednesday, 1 June 2022

Cita-cita Saya

This August will mark the 9th year of me being part of the legal fraternity.

The feeling?

I don't know, honestly.

There were days when I felt I was on top of the world; feeling proud to be an advocate & solicitor, helping people in need with my lawyer-ing skill etc but there were also some days when I felt like a total crap. Like a lost clueless kid on what she should be to perfectly blend & survive in the society. You know, like a kid who just completed 19302657 questions on the survey sheet provided by the School PRS which would tell you what career suits you best as an adult yet in the same time the suggested careers seem so unfamiliar, strange & unrealistic

And today is one of those days when I feel like leaving the office, go to a quiet place & cry. Ok, maybe going to Starbucks alone seems okay juga kan minum-minum, makan my favourite Rasberry Scone but you get the idea or not?


Sebenarnya, apakah cita-cita yang paling sesuai untuk saya ini ya? 

Long time ago before the idea of being a lawyer came into 16 years old me (ok, that was 19 years ago. Tua sudah), being an archaeologist had always been my ultimate interest & ambition but my Mother didn't seem fascinated with it. I remember crying upon her disapproval of my ambition; feeling heartbroken & shattered

Until now, I still love history, especially Egyptian archaeology. My current Youtube videos obsession is old chateaus in Europe. Boring to many but so interesting to me 💓

                                                         Can I be a part of the society please?

Isn't too late to chase my dream? I mean, is archaeology still not a promising career in our country? But who cares about being demanded in the career ranking market or not, just follow your freaking dream Suria! Ikut sis la nok jadi gapo. I'm already 35. I'm valid gitteww

Ok, gtg. Back to the reality. I'm still a lawyer for the next 30370378 years I don't know. Have to earn some money & make a living. Not tai tai level but alhamdulillah for the rizq

But still, nanti ada rezeki I want to read history & be the coolest archaeologist in the country. Lols tak habis-habis. Entah-entah masa tu gigi & kaki pun dah goyang

1 comment:

xddin said...

salam kak. stumbled on your blog again after 5-6 years. still regretting not taking after law. even after your kind advice. well. at least we all have something we regret right? but nevetheless, this journey has been a great one. Alhamdulilllah.

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