Friday 22 April 2011


I was on the phone with my parents before & after my first paper this afternoon. Berikut adalah perbualan selepas di alih bahasa kepada bahasa Melayu standard

Before the paper;
Saya: Takut laaaa!
Abah: La, nak takut apa? Biasalah tu. Orang arab cakap 'ma'a jaiman'
Saya: Ma'a gapo?
Abah: Ma'a jaiman
Saya: *asks Abah to repeat it 4 times because I'm arabic illiterate that way* -.-'

The paper was hard, not hard sebab diperbuatkan daripada kulit kayu chengal. No no no. And the fact that there were 14 problematic essays ready to gobble us up made me feel like throwing up. Mana nak control handwriting lagi, mana nak recall balik all the provisions/authorities lagi, mana nak highlight cases lagi, nak apply lagi etc etc etc. I could feel my right hand shaking, aching & crying for help that it nearly suffocated! Truth be told, I felt like giving up whilst answering because deep down inside I know it's impossible to finish answering all within 3 hours :(

A silent erudite way to suicide? You decide

Memetik kata-kata seorang rakan seperjuangan yang namanya terpaksa di tutup sebab upload tanpa kebenaran {lol! Sorry Athoy!}

Here's the confession I can't tahan to make; I screwed up the questions on betrothal walhal tu first chapter kotttt & it's 20 marks for God's sake! Berapa ketulkah akan saya mark untuk itu nanti?!! *cries a bucket*

Ma called me after the paper, while I was in the car with my friend, Khazan discussing on the most serious topic of all seriousness i.e kahwin:
Ma: Ok tak tadi? Boleh jawab semua?
Saya: Banyak sangat tak sempat. Huhu!
Ma: Biasalah tu, nama pun ambik law. Sue suka study last minute kot?
Saya: Mana sempat. Banyak kot? Cer Ma ambik course orang?
Ma: Ma tak minat law. Loyar buruk *laughs like a kid*
Saya: Lepas tu minat apa?
Ma: Business *answers so confidently*
Saya: -_____________-'

Apparently, my parents' favourite word to tell me that everything's going to be ok is 'Biasala'. Biasala, asam garam peperiksaan kannn? Semoga Allah beri kemudahan dalam 4 ketul paper yang seterusnya, Amin & InsyaAllah.. :)

Be happyyyy!
Maybe I should set this as my laptop wallpaper! :D


ihsan_huhu said...

biase r tuh mak2

Hawa CMS said...

biase la tu borak pasal kawin
biase la tu da umo segini

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