Saturday 18 February 2012

A Reminder To Myself & My Dear Sisters {Part 2}

A continuation from 'A Reminder To Myself & Dear Sisters {Part 1}'

6. Try to allocate a minimum amount of time each day to Islamic activities
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For example four hours split between salah, Quran and Islamic studies will enable you to build up your relationship with Allah swt and make good progress with acquiring knowledge. Remember that the 5 fard (obligatory) salah are your top priority and you should form the framework of your daily routine around these.
7. Dress modestly
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This does not mean that you have to look ugly or not stylish. Just be modest. Wear longer shirts and avoid tank tops and shorts. Stay away from clothes that are too tight. Remember that it is obligatory to cover the whole body except the face and hands, which are recommended but not obligatory. This also helps you to change your whole outlook on what is acceptable and what is not.
8. Hang out with good friends
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Going with the theme you may want to make friends who share your mission of being a good Muslim. If you are lucky enough, you might spot a Muslimah your age. Be sure to make friends with a “practicing” Muslimah if you find one. You can tell her how you are trying to be a better Muslim, and she might be able to help!

9. Avoid negative influences
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Including old friends (as hard as it may be, the reward is well worth it) who may have had a bad influence or who bring out the negative characteristics in you. We all have the Shaitan (devil) in us, but it is our responsibility as Muslims to fight these temptations and urges by increasing our faith and spirituality.
10. Forgive yourself for any sins you may have committed
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You need to let go of past mistakes and work on improving the future. Whatever has happened is done. It is in the past and there is nothing you can do to change it or better it. The only thing you can do is forgive yourself or use those negative experiences as motivation to get better and do good

11. Notice where your weaknesses are and avoid them
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This is not to say that you should run every time a guy comes near, but learn to lower the gaze and remember that Allah (SWT) is severe in punishment. They are not people that you need in your life anyway

12. Take it day by day
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If you make it a priority in your mind that you want to strive to be the best Muslim girl possible, you will achieve this goal without even realizing it! Every time you are about to do something, think: “Is this something good or religious?” If it isn’t, don’t do it! Simply remind yourself and be ready to stop yourself, just in case. Every single moment of every day must be devoted to providing pleasure for Allah (SWT).

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