My neighbour came a few days ago & brought along a 7 month-old girl, Isha whom she babysits during weekdays. I never met her before & was quite afraid if she would cry but surprise surprise, Isha didn't cry at all during our time alone upstairs. Did it mean Isha likes Kak Sue? ♥
Or should I address myself as Mokcik Sue? -.-' I feel so old already
Anyway people, meet Isha!
My attempt of trying to be creative in mak-mak way
Bagi remote control lama & kotak exclipse yang menghasilkan bunyi which made Isha sungguhlah excited. Tersengih-sengih dia, siap gerak-gerak badan lagi. Hehe! We've no small kid in the house, hence no (appropriate) toys except my stuffed toys but they're my toys, I don't want to share #dilemaseoranganakbongsutua
Cheeky girl!
I tried to put her to sleep; tepuk-tepuk badan sambil nyanyi lullabies & 'Lailahaillah'. Lepas tu Isha pun ikut sekali tepuk-tepuk badan dia which I found very hillarious & cute. Hahahaha! Orang tepuk dia, dia tepuk diri sendiri pulak. Muka innocent sungguh tiada perasaan, tangan berisi sungguh sedap kalau dapat digigit
I can't imagine myself doing that to my kid(s) someday, I mean bab tepuk-tepuk & nyanyi-nyanyi tu. Dengan suara mek yang tidak seberapa, mek tidak yakin dapat membuatkan anak mek mamai di buai mimpi. I even stopped half way while doing that to Isha after realizing how awkward it was
Isha didn't sleep of course. Lepas mek habis nyanyi, dia pun bangun & merangkak laju ke arah kotak inai kepunyaan Ma. Hurm, even a 7 month-old girl could judge my singing talent. Should I say more?