Friday 6 July 2012

Furry Cuteness

Played with these 2 super active kittens while waiting for the abang kedai xerox at DC finishing his xerox jobs {Duh!}. Yang colour grey tu suka tidur atas keyboard no matter how many times we disturbed him. Comel je duduk seketul atas tu :')

And what a coincidence that I brought along my large bag where I put all my notes, books, bekalan makanan, my 1 L mineral water, handphone, purse etc whenever I'm on studying expedition. If possible, nak bawa bantal & tilam sekali

Well, it may be not that big for some but for petite moi, it's big enough. And look at its print, as if the kittens are the models for the bag. Hehe!

Oh kittens, why are you so cute? ♥ 
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