My parents & I are fasting Puasa 6 day 2 today, Alhamdulillah
After the Parents' several attempts to wake me up *coughs* this morning for sahur, I finally had the strength to ditch my slumberness & go to the kitchen downstairs. Had a bowl of nasi goreng with telur mata kerbau & keropok keping goreng. Ma's nasi goreng is ze boom! Sorrylah, bias. Sekarang menyesal sebab why o why tak makan lebih. Tsk!
As usual, the Parents will take some vitamins & supplements after the meal
Ma: Sue tak makan vitamin ke? *while holding a bottle of Pharmaton Multivitamin + Ginseng*
Saya: Vitamin ni sesuai ke untuk budak? Err, ke untuk orang tua je?
The awkward moment when you realized that you're no longer a budak yet not an orang tua neither. Kategori remaja? Mungkin sudah tidak sesuai walaupun jejerawat masih berbondong-bondong naik once in a while, persis gadis remaja yang sedang meningkat usia
Btw, I took a tablet of Appeton Vitamin C 500mg. Sedap kunyah, rasa macam gula-gula perisa oren