Thursday 13 September 2012

Baby Raja Adni Sumayyah

Alhamdulillah, Baby Raja is a week-old 2 days ago {ada bunyi macam anak sendiri tak? Hewhewhew!} So, there's no more afdhal way to express the Parents' gratefulness other than a kenduri aqiqah :)

Me, my Mother & Sister were at the clinic during her first hour after being bought into this world last week & a week after, makin lebat pulak tengok rambut Baby Sumayyah ni. And I think, she loves camera too. Hehe!

Assalamualaikum & hello Raja Adni Sumayyah!

 Sumayyah being apple of everyone's eyes

Makan-makan! Alhamdulillah 

Sumayyah with her datuk-datuk saudara

I would really love to hold her in my arms tapi poor Baby Sumayyah selsema pulak. And she's very small too. Macam tak berani & takut nak pegang baby sekecil itu. It's ok, firm mek dengan rumah Baby hanyalah kira-kira 1 km, after office hour boleh datang visit. InsyaAllah :D

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