Friday 14 December 2012

Happy Birthday Ex-Fiancee

It was my ex-fiancee 23rd birthday yesterday. Alhamdulillah & woohOo!

How we became fiance-fiancee is one story, how we broke up & became the exs is another. But I've really forgotten who actually fiance or fiancee is because apparently both of us are ladies. Maybe mek la yang wajar memegang title fiance memandangkan mek lebih tinggi dari Mira, though for nano inches only. Lols!

Nonetheless, happy 23rd birthday to Mira LuluLala, the girl who is so full of fun, smart, helpful, tekun, rajin, berwawasan & have I mentioned she is funny? I couldn't thank her enough for everything she's done & helped me through the law degrees. Budi baik Allah sahaja yang dapat membalasnya & I pray, may her path in achieving her dreams be a very smooth & easy one. Amin & InsyaAllah!

 LL.B (Hons) Convocation, 28112012

I realized that although I've different set of friends, there's only a few who I can really be & reveal myself inside out with. And I'm glad that Mira is one of them :') I love youuuuuu, Mira!

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