Thursday 13 June 2013

Sudah Habis Ganti Puasa Ke Belum?

Assalamualaikum & how are you, eartlings?

This is quite embarrassing to admit but I still have 4 days more to qadha my puasa. MasyaAllah. I know righttt? Ramadhan is just a few shy weeks away & here I'm, still struggling to qadha them all! Tsk!

One of the things that I like most about fasting is you're able to lose weight in just a day! Hahahaha! Nampak sangat berat air sebab after bukak puasa & step onto the weighing scale, berat hampir kembali kepada angka asal. Harapan palsu semata-mata but it's okay. I'll try harder to shed these extra kg T_T *desperate cries*

Selamat qadha puasa kepada yang masih berhutang. InsyaAllah, we can do it girls!

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