Sekadar gambar hiasang
This is the conversation I had with my Master, Kak Ti a few days ago about her 8-year-old daughter, Charmaine
Kak Ti: Charmaine sekarang dah ada new ambition
Saya: Oh, now nak jadi apa?
Kak Ti: Dia tengok series apa ntah hari tu, tiba-tiba "Mommy, I want to be a lawyer!" Kak Ti bagitahu la, "If you want to be a lawyer, you have to be like Mommy". Lepas tu dia jawab, "But Kakak Sue is a lawyer too & she's soft"
Saya: .... *silent for a few seconds* Hehe!
Saya: .... *silent for a few seconds* Hehe!
Adeiii, soft ke? Kena jadi makin aumm aummm ke macam mana ni? T_T