One fine day, Imam Al Ghazali was sitting among his students. He asked them 6 interesting questions:
His students: Parents, teachers, and friends
Al Ghazali:
It is death
Allah said, Every soul shall have a taste of death
Al Ghazali:
Tell me the farthest place from earth
His students: Moon, sun, and stars
His students: Moon, sun, and stars
Al Ghazali: It is the past
No matter how hard we try, it is unreachable
Al Ghazali:
Tell me the biggest thing on earth
His students: Mountain and ocean
His students: Mountain and ocean
Al Ghazali: It is passion
Because of it, we can be thrown into darkest pit of the hell
Al Ghazali:
Tell me the heaviest thing on earth
His students: Elephant and steel
His students: Elephant and steel
Al Ghazali: It is the trust
Al Ghazali:
Tell me the lightest thing on earth
His students: Wind, dust, and cotton
His students: Wind, dust, and cotton
Al Ghazali:
It is leaving five times pray
We leave it because of our job or business
Al Ghazali:
Tell me the sharpest thing on earth
His students: Sword
His students: Sword
Al Ghazali:
It is word
Because people shall hate each other from words
-- From book "The Inspiring Words" by Deshinta Arrova Dewi