Tuesday 7 April 2015

Young Yet (Feeling) Old

Assalamualaikum & hi! 

Every year, I always made a point to include 'to exercise more & eat clean & healthy' in my new year resolution. I know everyone wants to keep their bodies fit & healthy with minimal amount of exercise & no restriction in their diets but let's face it, at the end of the year not many managed to sprint to the finishing line

Don't worry, I'm also one of those ambitious people! *high paws*

Before my Wedding in February, I shed a few kg. Not because I was in losing-weight-before-Wedding marathon, it was mainly because preparing for the Wedding was quite stressful. I ate less, I couldn't sleep well at nights, I skipped my meals etc. I went for my final baju nikah & reception fitting about a week before Wedding, only to find out later that they were a bit longgar on the day of my Wedding. Ho ho ho!

And I always read about how the newlywed couple often gained weight after their weddings. I guess, that doesn't really apply to A.H & me as we're in LDR although A.H kept on saying that he's gained weight yada yada. Oh come on! That guy hardly has time for breakfast & lunch, so when la the perut wants to maju ke depan?

As for me, I was born petite & has always been petite all my life except some times in 2013 where I ballooned a bit & was at my heaviest! 49 kg! Nightmares!

 From L to R; 22/04/2013 - 05/05/2013 - 30/05/2013

Calculate your BMI here

I was always between 40 kg - 43 kg & with my height of 153 cm, I'm very comfortable with myself. Except that now, I realize that I'm no longer that fit. You know, those symptoms of fatigue, sleepy all day etc. Man, I feel like a granny with 10 cucus. I'm so easily zonked out & that's pretty embarrassing if I want to compare myself with my 68 year-old Father & my 60 year-old Mother who are much fitter than me! 

I know I must do something about the way I live, I eat & I sleep. Must always think of happy & +ve things! And yes, exercise. Even lompat bintang counts now!

No, I'm not pregnant, people. Not yet. Should have started counting the number of questions A.H & I have received from curious people whether we're already pregnant or not. We're just married for 1 month 1 week & 6 days btw. Kasi chance la please for this LDR couple -.-'

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