Assalamualaikum & hallo!
My Mother, since I was 4m pregnant, has been telling me to get everything ready asap for my delivery. I honestly thought that it was way too early. From the various sources that I've read, it's safe to start preparing for the arrival of the little one when you enter the second trimester, at least when the gender is confirmed
In our case, we knew the gender of our child during the 4D scan that we did when I was 27w1d pregnant
In our case, we knew the gender of our child during the 4D scan that we did when I was 27w1d pregnant
I'm now in my 30w of pregnancy, Alhamdulillah & the preparation is 70% done. We still have a lot of things to do & buy anyway (but again, baby business is a never ending one ayte?) & one of them is getting the Confinement Room ready
This is the current state of it
That pretty bassinet is a gift from my Mother to her cucus ♥
That pretty bassinet is a gift from my Mother to her cucus ♥
The room was previously used by my Father as his mini office before it was turned to the Confinement Room after my Sister delivered her 2nd child (my niece, Maryam) in Nov 2015 (where she got to officiate the pretty bassinet in the photo above). Can't believe that it's going to be my turn soon to use this room. Lols!
Anyway, A.H & I are planning to revamp it & this is out 'To Do' list:-
✨ Installing wallpaper
The current wall paint is yellow (as per photo above) & I honestly think that it's kind of panas. Initially, we planned to paint it white or light grey but installing wallpaper is much easier. We have the featured wall in our bedroom (where we'll put the bassinet & all) installed with Kaison wallpaper & we think it's pretty decent la for its reasonable price. So, Kaison wallpaper is our utmost option for now. We bought 2 rolls of wallpaper last Friday & can't wait to get them installed this weekend!
🌬 Installing a wall fan
The room is not air conditioned & all this while, it relies on that kipas berdiri (?) which I think not practical when we have a few guests in the room. Nasib baik bilik tu tak panas sangat
🔖 Buying a new rug (?)
Do we really need one?
🎐 Buying a new set of curtain that goes well with wallpaper
As much as I appreciate that green curtain that my Mother had sewn with love, I don't think it goes well with the wallpaper that we have bought. Hehe!
I did the first batch of basuh-basuh last Saturday. Selama ni selalu tengok kat IG orang je kan seeing them hanging those little tiny cute clothes before the baby's arrival. Tumpang excited tengok. Alhamdulillah that Allah swt has given me this wonderful opportunity & I sincerely pray for everyone who hasn't had the rizq yet, may Allah bless them with child/children one fine day. Amin
🌈 Washing Little I's clothes, blankets etc
Baju-baju belum basuh yet. Will wait until we get the Confinement Room ready which hopefully within these 2 weekends. InsyaAllah
🛋 Decorating the room in order to distract my mind for being separated from my roommate who sleeps in the room next door. Lols!
But there's a high possibility that A.H will be joining me sleep in the Confinement Room & acts as my personal doctor. Auww! I know him well ♥