Raya Haji flight tickets booked!
We will be celebrating Hari Raya Haji at A.H's side this year. InsyaAllah & guess who is the most excited one booking the tickets, planning for luggage, baby wrap/carrier & all? Of course la the Mama! :P
We are lucky that when it comes to balik kampung trip, we are the ones yang melanggar arus (i.e traveling up to Selangor/KL instead of Pantai Timur), jadi tak ada lah trap dalam jam melampau, Alhamdulillah except bila nak balik kampung Father-in-Law in Melaka. Overall, it was usually a pleasant drive from Kelantan - Selangor/KL
Tapi I don't think I'm fit enough & ready for a long distance 6 to 8 hours balik kampung trip via car; not especially with a baby (Iman will be 2 months & a half at that time) & me recovering from my caesarean section (c-sect) delivery.
We are lucky that when it comes to balik kampung trip, we are the ones yang melanggar arus (i.e traveling up to Selangor/KL instead of Pantai Timur), jadi tak ada lah trap dalam jam melampau, Alhamdulillah except bila nak balik kampung Father-in-Law in Melaka. Overall, it was usually a pleasant drive from Kelantan - Selangor/KL
Tapi I don't think I'm fit enough & ready for a long distance 6 to 8 hours balik kampung trip via car; not especially with a baby (Iman will be 2 months & a half at that time) & me recovering from my caesarean section (c-sect) delivery.