Monday 15 August 2011

Day 14- Someone You Could Never Imagine Your Life Without

It can be either my mother or father or both but I've already had them featured on Day 2 & Day 8, so let's get the limelight spotted on this person instead, who is tak lain tak bukan, my sole Sister!

Dec 26, 2006

We're very different in characters; she's loud, very talkative, good at sports & aggressive while me, well let's just say that I'm no different than any typical anak bongsu i.e lemah lembut, sensitive & keras kepala. Lol! She was the youngest in the family for 5 years before I made a debut, so I can't blame her for being extra manja in the family. So manja that it made me want to puke sometimes :P

But both of us share something in common which is our obsession on catssss! I think, we inherit it from our Ma. You should see how Ma treats our cats, to the extent of having baby talks with them like, "Eee, Puteh dah gemuk sekarang eh? Ma baru tinggal 2 minggu. Alalala! *gomoi-gomoi*"

Alamak, 6 pm already. I need to show up my face in the kitchen, if that makes any sense to you. Hehe!
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