It started with sore throat last Friday after terkena hujan for 2 days in a row, followed by muscle pain here & there after LL.B induction, then selsema, batuk, bersin & juga suara garau serak-serak basah. Suara mek sekarang bagaikan itik tertelan batang jagung or 'cerik' bak kata orang Kelante
I'm sick & feeling sick but I guess, the surrounding & having a lot of wonderful & funny people around me make me feel much better or probably has forced me to keep going. Of course there were times when I wish I could just sleep on my bed at the college until this flu fever packs all its bugs & leaves, but going to UiTM Pusat Kesihatan can be such a hassle now
So, hello Panadols & 100plus. I hope you'll help me to fight all these bugs together, Amin..
Tadi masa lunch hour sempat tidur selama sejam. There's a little space surrounded by lockers at the back of our class, meant to be a tempat sembahyang & pantry. I was the one who officiated it nampaknya. Woots!
And tqvm blazer for keeping me warm & I appreciate you more than ever now! ♥ Should I give you a name too? How about Blabla or Baba? Atau mungkin juga 'Another Umar'?